
Book Chapters

  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). “Tōitsuron to Yuniterian Shisō: Murakami Senshō no Zentaizō ni Mukete 統一論とユニテリアン思想 村上専精の全体像に向けて” (On the Unification of Buddhism and Unitarian thought: Steps toward gaining a comprehensive Image of Murakami Senshō), transl. by Kameyama Mitsuhiro 亀山光明. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2020.
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). “Shaku Sōen: Fuhen shugi to no tawamure 釈宗演—「普遍主義」との戯れ” [Shaku Sōen and his flirtation with Universalism], transl. by Satō Seiko 佐藤清子, in Nihon Bukkyō to Seiyō Sekai 日本仏教と西洋世界 (Japanese Buddhism and the Western World), ed by Dake Mitsuya 嵩満也, Yoshinaga Shin’ichi 吉永進一, and Ōmi Toshihiro 碧海寿広, Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2020, pp. 255–290.
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Fūshiga mondai no haikei o saguru 風刺画問題の背景を探る [Examining the Background of the Cartoons Affair]. In EU to isurāmu no shūkyō dentō wa kyōzon dekiru ka: “Muhanmado no Fūshiga jiken” no honshitsu EUとイスラームの宗教伝統は共存できるか 「ムハンマドの風刺画」事件の本質, edited by Mori Kōichi 森 孝一. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2007, pp. 16–64. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Zengaku niwa hōhōron ga ariuruka 禅学には方法論がありうるか? [Is Methodology Relevant to the Study of Zen?]. In Bukkyō o ikani manabuka: Bukkyō kenkyū no hōhōronteki hansei 仏教をいかに学ぶか 仏教研究の方法論的反省. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten, 2001, pp. 149–74. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Zenbukkyō kara mita “experience” 禅仏教からみた「experience」 [Experience in the Light of Zen Buddhism], translated by Iwamoto Akemi 岩本明美. In Kyōto zen shinpo ronshū: Myōnichi e no teigen 京都禅シンポ論集 明日への提言 [Collected Papers of the Kyōto Zen Symposium: Proposals for Tomorrow], edited by Horio Tsutomu 堀尾孟. Kyoto 1999: Tenryūji kokusai sōgō kenkyūsho, pp. 503–37. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Konton no jikaku kara hyōgen e: Zenbukkyō ni okeru kotoba no toraekata no ichisokumen 混沌の自覚から表現へ 禅仏教に於ける言葉の捉え方の一側面 [From the Awareness of Primordial Chaos to Its Expression: One Facet of Speech from the Perspective of Zen Buddhism]. In Keiken to kotoba 経験と言葉, Hōshaku hikaku-shūkyō: Bunka-sōsho 宝積比較宗教・文化叢書 3, Tokyo 1995: Taimeidō, pp. 207–38. Click to read

Refereed Articles

  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Hiratsuka Raichō ga mita kindai no shūkyō to sono hyōka 平塚らいてうが見た近代の宗教とその評価 [Modern Religions as Hiratsuka Raichō Saw and Evaluated Them], Kindai bukkyō 近代仏教 12, February 2006, pp. 20–38. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Nijusseiki ni okeru kaigai zenbukkyō kenkyū no seika to nijūisseiki e no kadai: 1989–2004 no dōkō o chūshin ni 20世紀における海外禅仏教研究の成果と21世紀への課題 1989〜2004年の動向を中心に [Zen Research in Languages other than Japanese: Achievements in the 20th Century and Challenges for the 21th Century, with a Focus on Trends in 1989–2004], Kindai bukkyō 近代仏教 11, May 2004, pp. 75–100. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Kindai “Zenshisō” no keisei: Kōgaku Sōen to Suzuki Daisetsu no yakuwari o chūshin ni 近代「禅思想」の形成 洪岳宗演と鈴木大拙の役割を中心に [The Formation of ‘Zen Thought’ after the Meiji Era: The Role Played by Kōgaku Sōen and Suzuki Daisetsu], Shisō 思想, No. 943, November 2002, pp. 46–63. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Nantenbō to sono shisō tenkai 南天棒とその思想展開 [Nantenbō and the Development of His Thought], Kindai bukkyō 近代仏教 7, March 2000, pp. 50–69. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Tōrei no chosaku ni kansuru mondai (sono ichi): Bumo onnanpōkyō chūge to “kōkō” no shisō 東嶺の著作に関する問題(その一)父母恩難報経註解と「孝行」の思想 [Problems Concerning the Works of Tōrei (1): His Annotated Commentary of the Sutra on the Difficulty of Reciprocating the Kindness of Parents and the Concept of Filial Piety], Zengaku kenkyū 禅学研究, Vol. 73, January 1995, pp. 143–89. Click to read
  • Mohr, Michel (モール・ミシェル). Tōrei zenji ni miru Hakuin zen no shinmenmoku 東嶺禅師に見る白隠禅の真面目 [The True Face of Hakuin Zen Seen through his Disciple Tōrei], Zenbunka 禅文化, No. 125, July 1987, pp. 41–54. Click to read

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